Responsible Consumption

Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. One trillion cups of coffee are consumed every year, and world consumption continues to grow at a very fast rate, around 2.5% per year during the last decade. This is an impressive growth rate, considering that coffee is a mature product.

Coffee has the characteristic of being consumed mainly in countries at the northern hemisphere, where it is not produced. Exception made to Brasil, the main producer and the second largest consumer in the world after the USA. From the point of view of carbon emissions, all this transportation is not a positive. Because coffee has a relatively high price/weight ratio, the coffee industry move coffee around the world increasing, many times doubling, the carbon emissions on transport. For instance, coffee beans produced in Brasil or Central America are transported to Italy, roasted there, and transported again to be consumed in the USA. All this extra transportation may sound strange, but it does not significantly affect the roaster’s bottom-line. However it worsens the carbon emissions on a cup of coffee.

Furthermore: a growing segment of coffee consumption is now under the form of single pods. It doesn’t matter if the pods are recyclable or made of biodegradable composts. Packing one single cup of coffee is an absurd idea, an unacceptable waste of natural resources and completely unnecessary. Coffee pods became popular since it preserves freshness, but home roasting your coffee produces an even fresher cup. There’s nothing more rewarding, than enjoying your morning brew with the knowledge that you aren’t doing more harm to the environment.

If you’re an avid coffee enthusiast, there are things you can do to make the experience more satisfying. Buying directly from the origin and home roasting your coffee is by far the bestway for a responsible daily cup of coffee. As you home roast your coffee, you will be reducing your carbon footprint on your everyday cup, saving resources significantly comparing with any other form to prepare your coffee.

DIRECT FROM THE FARM will reduce the trade chain by more than 50% and you will know, select, and decide which coffee to buy and exactly where, and how, your coffee has been produced. Your coffee will be exactly as you want it, the perfect cup profile for your taste, with responsible consumption.

This infographic gives an idea of the different coffee paths to your cup buying DIRECT FROM THE FARM and roasting your coffee home.

Last by buying DIRECT FROM THE FARM all the coffees come from farms that have been supervised, and selected by having sustainable practices, preserved areas and you will know exactly how your coffee is produced and were it comes from. Just check the label of your coffee to learn where it came from and the detailed quality assessment.

Most of the times adopting sustainable and eco-friendly consumption habits requires you to spend more dollars. But home roasting your coffee beans, you can help improve the world and save money.

You don’t have to choose between having your coffee fix and saving the environment. You can do both by opting to buy DIRECT FROM THE FARM, and roast and brew your own coffee at home.

The planet say thank you.


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